The drink that helps your body but harms your teeth

At Oxfordshire Sport, our motto is that a healthy outside starts from the inside. And when it comes to being healthy on the inside, food is one of the major determinants of how well we achieve this goal – our mental wellbeing is another. 

We are always trying to remake and reeducate ourselves on the field of nutrition, as highly interesting research and knowledge is always propping up from every part of the world. Many of our articles are actually based on what we learn from our more than 125 member organizations, and that we find to be true from our own formal education. 

The source of our information

One of our members, Tannlege Prestegaard & Ådalen in the town of Sarpsborg in Norway, sent us an especially interesting entry through our contact form (where we always encourage people to send us research, resources, and advice). It was about a very important part of many people’s diets: fruit.

The dental clinic’s CEO, Harald Prestegaard, is a specialist of endodontics (therein root canal treatment), and a member of the European Society of Endodontology. In an email he sent us, he wrote that “there is a really interesting finding I need to share with you. Did you actually know that fruit can be harmful to our teeth?” 

“Practically washes away the enamel”

We were quite taken aback by this. Naturally, we know that certain fruits like oranges contain acids, but we weren’t aware that they were as harmful as this Harald claimed. “The acid in orange juice is so strong that the enamel on our teeth is practically washed away. What happens when we drink it, is that the enamel becomes softer for up to an hour after you’ve been drinking fluids with a high level of fluid. This leads to a higher chance of teeth damage. In other words, fruit juice might be good for our body, but it sure ain’t for our teeth!” 

Her problems went away instantly

Harald also shared the experience one of his clients had after he told her to drink less fruit juice: “Når jeg var på besøk hos min venninne i Sarpsborg for et par uker siden (jeg er opprinnelig fra Oslo), så våknet jeg plutselig en morgen med voldsomme smerter i en tann. Jeg trodde nesten jeg skulle svime av, og google hastig etter akutt tannlege i Sarpsborg. Etter litt rask vurdering av klinikkene jeg så, så valgte jeg å dra til Harald sin. ‘Bare få meg dit!’ sa jeg til venninnen. 

Heldigvis fikk jeg umiddelbart bedøvelse, så smertene avtok. Det viste seg at jeg hadde et solid hull i tanna, hvor nerven var helt blottet. Etter behandlingen spurte Harald meg noen spørsmål om spise- og drikkevanene mine. Når han fant ut at jeg drakk mye fruktjuice, så rådet han meg sterkt fra det. Jeg hadde alltid lurt på hvorfor tennene mine føltes så myke og skjøre når jeg drakk det. Nå, bare to uker senere, har jeg ikke kjent noe av den samme følelsen, og tennene mine virker sterke og friske.”

In short, the client had suffered from teeth problems for a long time, before Harald told her to drink less fruit juice. This might sound too simplistic, but after she stopped drinking it, her teeth seem stronger and healthier than ever before.

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